Erdogan: Netanyahu will envy Hitler with his methods of genocide


,- President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had arrived at a homicidal strategy that he believed would make Hitler jealous.

"Netanyahu has advanced to a degree where his genocidal techniques made Hitler jealous. We are talking about Israel shooting aid convoys, hitting food distribution centers, and targeting ambulances," Erdogan said in an interview with the Greek newspaper Kathimerini on Sunday.

Erdogan questioned how he could possibly be able to see what Israel had done to the Gaza people for months and thought it was OK for Israel to target hospitals.

Erdogan claims that, under different pretexts, Israel also murders children, persecutes citizens, and starves, thirsts, and deprives innocent people of drugs.

Hitler did what in the past? "He killed and oppressed people in concentration camps," he declared.

Erdogan added that Gaza became an open prison years before October 7th as well.

"Weren't the residents there, for years, imprisoned in scarce resources, akin to concentration camps? The most heinous and organized mass slaughter in Gaza since October 7 is the work of whom?

He underlined that the people of Gaza have been deprived of their rights and freedoms, particularly their right to life. Should a sovereign, autonomous, and geographically integrated Palestinian state be established along the 1967 border with East Jerusalem serving as its capital, he declared, Palestinian resistance would be superfluous.

"We uphold their legal rights. We uphold tranquility. Conversely, he argued, Israel keeps blatantly breaking international law, human rights, and UN resolutions.

Erdogan continued by saying that while the Palestinian organization had approved a cease-fire, Israel opposed it since it wanted to seize all of Gaza.

Editor : Newsline Paper Teams
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