Leonardo DiCaprio highlighted the fact that the Bantar Gebang TPST is critical

TPST Bantar gebang

,- When we talk about managing trash, some of us will quickly think of TPST Bantar Gebang, which is one of the biggest places in Indonesia to get rid of trash. TPST Bantar Gebang is said to be the biggest place in Southeast Asia to handle trash. It is also the biggest in Indonesia. It has been used to process the trash of people who live in DKI Jakarta since 1989.

As one of Indonesia's Integrated garbage Processing Sites (TPST), this site's garbage management system is always getting better. The goal is not only to deal with the growing amount of trash, but also to make the processes used to process trash easier. To do this, one way is to switch from clean landfills or burying trash in soil to waste mining or landfill mining.

What else do you know about TPST Bantar Gebang besides the fact that their waste handling system has been improved?

How TPST Bantar Gebang Came to Be
Info Bekasi says that Ali Anwar, a Bekasi historian, wrote a book called "Konflik Sampah Kota" (City Waste Conflict) that talks about the past of how TPST Bantar Gebang came to be. It is said that this dump for trash used to be in a place with big holes that were there since 1978. After that, it was used for building projects in Jakarta, like Sunter Podomoro and Kelapa Gading in North Jakarta.

After that, Governor Soeprapto of the Jakarta Provincial Government bought 115 hectares of land that would be used as the final dump for trash. Another land in Medansatrian Village, West Bekasi, was picked to be replaced. It was supposed to be a landfill, but permissions were not obtained in time.

The TPST Bantar Gebang, which has been renamed, has now been in use for 35 years and can hold up to 38 million tonnes of trash. This pile of trash should be dealt with in a more environmentally friendly way.

Who owns TPST Bantar Gebang
TPST Bantar Gebang is owned by DKI Jakarta, even though it is in the Bantargebang District of Bekasi City in West Java. At first, this site was set up because the Bekasi City Government and the Jakarta Provincial Government worked together to create a place to dump trash because of Jakarta's fast population and trade growth, which caused a lot of trash to build up in the capital city [Alin Anwar, Konflik Sampah Kota].

After that, a deal was made where Jakarta would pay the Bekasi City Government money as compensation and also take care of the infrastructure in the area. CNN Indonesia said that the amount of money given as settlement was IDR 14 billion in 2022. One of them was used to make the community's health and surroundings better.

The same height as a 16-story building
The trash pile at TPST Bantar Gebang is said to be getting taller after years of use. It is thought to have been 40 metres tall, which is the same as a 16-story house. The @dkijakarta account told everyone about this on June 28, 2022.

Plus, 39 million tonnes of trash have taken up 80% of the land at TPST Bantar Gebang, it was already said. More work needs to be put into improving the TPA's efficiency so that the 7,800 tonnes of trash that come in every day from DKI people can be properly disposed of.

Does TPST Bantar Gebang already have too many people?
The Jakarta Environmental Agency (DLH) wants to make the area at TPST Bantar Gebang bigger so that more trash can be processed there. A total of 7.5 hectares of land will be made ready to be used as a waste treatment spot right away. At TPST, the land area will grow to 117.5 hectares in the future.

This increase is being done to deal with the constant flow of trash every day. It is thought that TPST Bantar Gebang could reach its limits and make it harder to process waste in the future if it is not increased. The Jakarta DLH is in charge of all the planning.

Activities for dealing with waste
The Bantar Gebang Integrated Waste Processing Site does, as its name suggests, a lot of well-organized things to deal with trash. All trash that comes in must be properly dealt with; it can't just be picked up, dumped, and left alone.

The DKI Jakarta DLH website says that the process of dealing with trash in Bantar Gebang has 6 main steps.

1. Waste Collection Stage: The Jakarta DLH will regularly pick up and clean up the 7,500 tonnes of trash that people in DKI make every day. There are more than 1,200 garbage trucks from Jakarta that will go through the TPST. It is made up of hazardous waste, inorganic waste, and organic garbage.

   This collection work is done from 492 temporary gathering points that are part of the process of managing waste. Where the trash goes will depend on the temporary collection spots. It will either go to a landfill or be recycled. People hope it will help cut down on the amount of trash that ends up in dumps.
2. Online Waste Weighing Stage: When the pickup vehicles arrive, the Jakarta DLH will record data, make sure it is correct, and weigh each one in a computerised way. Digital entry and exit weighing equipment with load cell sensors is used for this task, and it is backed up by a web-based application that anyone can view online.

   The weighing is done to keep track of the trash that comes in and to stop trash cars that aren't allowed in the TPST Bantar Gebang area. There are also identification and licence numbers on each trash truck to make sure it is real.

3. Waste Unloading Stage: Once the amount of trash is recorded, heavy equipment is used to unload the cars carrying the trash to the places where it will be thrown away. At the moment, TPST Bantar Gebang says that the wait time for dumping trash is only 1.5 hours. This is possible because the Jakarta DLH added 40 fleets of big equipment.

4. garbage Processing Stage: Composting organic garbage is one of the things that TPST Bantar Gebang does to process waste. Mixers and crushers will be used to separate the inorganic materials and crush them into fine powder. Granulators will then turn the powder into pellets or granules, and rotary dryers and coolers will dry the granules within a certain amount of time. Finally, the dry granules will be packaged and sent to the right people.

   Also, there are places like a power house or a waste-to-energy power plant, pipe systems for using methane gas, and wastewater treatment to better deal with waste.

5. Waste Compaction Stage: Next, heavy machinery will be used to level and pack all the trash together. The process of levelling and compacting is meant to make better use of land, make the surface of the dump more stable, and make waste items smaller so that less waste is produced.

6. Waste Burial Stage: Every five to seven days, 20 cm of dirt is added on top of the trash to cover it. People bury bodies in dirt to get rid of smells, stop flies from breeding, and limit the release of methane gas, which can add to greenhouse gases in the air.

After the first six steps, the trash piles at the dump need to go through one more step called "further processing." , like

 Putting in drainage channels to handle rainwater, leachate gathering channels and the processing plants that go with them, operational control posts and gas control facilities.

Places that process waste
The Jakarta DLH has set up a number of garbage processing facilities at TPST Bantar Gebang so that waste can be dealt with in the best way possible. The Power House or Waste-to-Energy Power Plant (PLTSa) facility, composting facilities, waste treatment, and the Landfill Mining and Refused Derived Fuel (RDF) Plant were just a few that are already out there. Every day, these two new buildings should be able to handle 2,000 tonnes of trash.

According to the DKI Jakarta DLH website, landfill mining is the process of digging up inactive landfills that have trash that has broken down so that they can be used again. This work can help TPST Bantar Gebang last longer so that it can be used for other environmental reasons in the future.

There are job openings for thousands of people
TPST Bantar Gebang has become a place where thousands of scavengers who work in the private sector can make a living. A lot of people rely on it to make money. Fighting the smell of trash and flying flies all the time.

Scavengers in Bantar Gebang are used to finding useful things in trash that they can sell again. In order to get good results, they have to carefully go through every point of waste. For the sake of family, people will work more than 12 hours.

Highlighted by Leonardo DiCaprio
In fact, TPST Bantar Gebang is well-known all over the country. In an Instagram post, actor Leonardo DiCaprio once talked about how bad the trash was at TPST.

In the post he shared from the National Geographic account, DiCaprio talked about scavengers who worked in waste management and picked through huge piles of trash to find plastic trash. This shows how big TPST Bantar Gebang is as a place to dump trash.

Educational Centre for Waste Problems
A lot of people should realise how important it is to handle trash properly after seeing how big the trash "mountain" at TPST Bantar Gebang is and how complicated the trash problems are in Indonesia.

Problems with waste are not just the problem of one group. Each community has a part it can play based on its own abilities. One way is to recycle and burn as much as possible to cut down on the amount of trash that ends up in landfills.

(Andrew Drawing/Newsline Paper Teams)
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