What's Cosmic Dust?


,- When we look at the night sky, the sky looks lonely and clean, but the reality is that space is not empty at all.

In fact, space is full of dust. This cosmic dust plays an important role in the universe and comes from a variety of sources, with interesting implications for the Universe.

Is that cosmic dust?
Cosmic dust consists of tiny particles floating in space. These particles can be very small, about 80 micrometers wide, smaller than the width of a human hair, and it's not ordinary dust.

Scientists believe that this cosmic dust originates from asteroids and comets. While it makes sense to theorize that dust is originating from a asteroid and comet, recent discoveries have revealed something else.

Cosmic dust is made of various elements, including carbon, silicate, ice, and metal. Another important thing to keep in mind is that these microparticles land on every square meter of Earth.

Cosmic dust, one of them, plays a role in the birth of new stars. It acts as a shield, blocking some of the intense radiation and heat emitted by young stars.

It allows the gas around it to cool down and collapse, which eventually forms new stars and planetary systems.

Dust particles are essential material in planet formation. They gather to create planetesimal (small planets), which then grow into perfectly shaped planets. Without cosmic dust, the Earth and the other planets in the solar system would not exist.

(Newsline Paper Teams)

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