Why does Jupiter rotate so fast?

(Shutterstock/Vadim Sadovski)

,- Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun, and is the largest planet in the solar system. As an illustration, Jupiter's size is twice the size of all the other planets combined.

Jupiter has a number of characteristics and uniqueness. One of them is that Jupiter is rotating very fast, even though it's huge in size.

Jupiter is the fastest-rotating planet in the solar system. Jupiter rotates on average once in less than 10 hours.

The reason Jupiter rotates so fast is the mass of its planet. When the planets are condensed from the material plates that surround the Sun, they naturally maintain an angle momentum.

It's portrayed as an ice skater doing a faster spin by pulling his arm towards his body, a protoplanet rotating faster because it contracts due to gravity.

All gas giant planets have high masses, so the speed of rotation is fast, and Jupiter becomes the most massive and fastest.

The duration of Jupiter's rotation is very fast, especially considering how big Jupiter is. Thus, Jupiter has the shortest day of all the planets in the Solar System.

Since Jupiter is a gas planet, it does not rotate as a solid sphere. Jupiter's equator rotates slightly faster than its polar region at a speed of about 43,000 km per hour.

With this rotation, the duration of a day on Jupiter ranges from 9 hours 56 minutes around the pole to 9 hours 50 minutes near the eclipse.

(Newsline Paper Teams)
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